Sunday, December 21, 2008


Still in the Old City section of downtown, still in black and white, it's time to look up toward the skies. Not to spot Santa's flying reindeer, or to take note of the winter solstice, but to see the biggest cup of coffee in Knoxville.

This huge painting still graces the side of the Atelier Building on Jackson Avenue which used to host the JFG Coffeehouse. The coffee house has closed, replaced by a design studio, but the artwork lives on.


Tanya Breese said...

Well I think a design studio is a good fit, at least they won't hurt the old artwork. I love this.
There is an old coffee sign and Dr. Pepper sign downtown that I want to photograph. I always try as we speed by on the interstate, but unsuccessfully so far,lol.

George said...

I love your black and white photos. I hadn't seen the coffee cup before and am glad it has survived.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great Knoxville pictures. We don't get downtown much--so it's good to see that some of the 'old' things are still there!!! We go to St. John's Cathedral on occasion --which we really enjoy!

Virginia said...

I love the paintings on the side of buildings. We have a good one here. May I be a blog copycat????

Saretta said...

That's a big cuppa joe!

marley said...

Great photo, perfect in B&W :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Well You know I like damned fine coffee and a cherry pie. Yor knoxville cup overfloweth with this bold mono upshot. Personally one of my favourites of yours. It's a photographers photo.