Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Endings and Beginnings

I took this shot on a recent December hike at Ijams Nature Center, the beautiful park and wildlife sanctuary in South Knoxville, and one of my favorite places in East Tennessee.

This captures my mood at the close of 2008: some light and some shadow, the brown of winter surrounding a late-falling leaf, a tentative shoot of new green life pushing up through the old muck of the trail.

Have a happy and safe New Year's Eve, everyone. I'll see you tomorrow in 2009, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise!


Tanya Breese said...

This picture sums it up perfectly Knoxville!

Did you know the saying "Lord willing and the creek don't rise" actually refers to the Creek Indians and not the creek as in water? I learned that on a field trip with my son at a plantation in Georgia. The Creek don't rise, means that they don't rise up in battle. Interesting! I love finding out the origins of those old timey sayings!

Happy New Year!

Jane Hards Photography said...

It's a perfect ending to the year.

Happy New Year,Ii as I clink the JD.

Debbie Courson Smith said...

A toast to you and all the work you do for your CDP - Happy New Year!

Walker said...

Lovely picture. Thanks for sharing. I found you on SkyWatch.