Thursday, August 7, 2008

Under the White-Hot Sun

This is actually an archive shot from this past June, when I was experimenting with the metering on my camera. I liked the effect created on this photo. The sun has just gone supernova, a blinding white flash where all you can see is the man on the bike and the two police officers in the background. Do not adjust your screens, you have entered the twilight zone.
Which is all my indirect way of saying it's too hot to go out and look for photo opportunities.


Anonymous said...

What were you doing with your camera? Do you remember? It looks like an over exposure (too much light) to me but the result is interesting. Like you say, twilight zone.

Virginia said...

My theory is that sometimes when you break all the rules of "THE PHOTOGRAPHY GODS" you get some great photograhs. This is one of them. I always say it was dumb luck, but have been told I should say that it is an effect that I planned very carefully! Regardless i love this portrait. I feel as if I have been transported from Knoxville to China or some exotic place. Very nice.

USelaine said...

And I'll bet you have a "damp" heat where you are.

I like the effect too. At the thumbnail, I thought you had a travel shot from Vietnam. Nice elements.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I love it it's spooky. I applaud rule breaking. It's just over exposed, but with great effect. It really pops the cyclist out of the pic. Is it me or could that be a disguised Chuck form Seattle astride the bike?

Louis la Vache said...

Maybe - but it wouldn't be too hot to head into that Marble Slab Creamery in the background! ;-)