Saturday, April 4, 2009

Blue Flowers

Spring flowers are popping out of the ground at Ijams Nature Center. Anyone have any idea what these are? I just liked the blue color, and the way the light was shining on them.


Hilda said...

Heehee, I posted a photo of the same flower (but mine was white) early in my blog and Shantaram in India identified it for me. It's called a Madagascar Periwinkle or Vinca or Myrtle, genus Catharanthus. There are eight types and it's those waxy leaves that I use to identify them.

Tanya Breese said...

Oh they are so pretty!

Knoxville Girl said...

Hilda, you are too cool! Thanks for the answer!

marley said...

Hilda beat me to it! Its called Vinca here and flowers from now right through the summer.

Pretty flower, pretty photo :)

Anonymous said...

I was going to say Vinca and then see Hilda already said it.

Kim said...

And depending on their size they are Vinca Major or Vinca Minor. I used to try to grow them under a birch tree in our front yard. I love the color and they look so pretty in your shot!