This great blue heron was kind enough to hold still long enough for me to focus and shoot. These birds are quite abundant in East Tennessee waterways and can often be spotted along the riverbanks. I also like the way the water looks. (kind of like the Stargate - come on, sci-fi fans, don't make me do this alone).
Wow. That is one beautiful close-up of a magnificent bird.
Yes, an excellent shot of a beautiful bird. We have them here too in Victoria.
I saw this bird once, somewhere at marina in my city. Excellent photo.
That water makes a fine backdrop for the bird too. Sorry, I don't have the sci-fi chops to help you out, but hey, you go girl!
Neat bird pic, and I agree about the Stargate.
Great looking bird. You're right it does look a little like the Stargate. Beam me up Scotty:)
There's a lot of good going on in this photo--the heron, the water and the driftwood. Nice, nice job. And I enjoyed browsing the rest of your recent posts.
I'm glad to hear that there are many of these birds around.
How neat that he's just about the same color as his background? I wonder if he knows that.
I have been after one of the birds to photograph, but they never hang around long enough. Fantatstic shot.
So if you walk into the liquid do you enter another world then. It does look like the stuff on entering the Stargate.
Incredible detail. You'll have to post your technique for getting a bird to pose.
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