Tennessee had some very nasty weather yesterday all across the state. Here in Knoxville, we had 45 mph winds that blew down trees and power lines, leaving 16,000 people in the area without electric power for quite some time. Some of the trees smashed the cars that were parked underneath. Luckily, no one was in those cars. When I saw these clouds swirling above the Holston Building downtown, I got very nervous, but they broke apart and hurtled eastward.
That image is simultaneously creepy and fantastic. Glad you're safe.
Hey, Knoxville! Nashville here. We had that awful weather Sat. night/Sun, too. Hopefully you'll have the nice weather we had today tomorrow.
Clouds are always interesting subject, aren't they? And I don't see that swirl clouds that much in my city. Anyway, to answer your question, they were waving small towels and I guess they call it "swirl bird"
Before i even read your entry i was looking at those clouds thinking that they looked like trouble. Very fierce even. Great capture!
Hobart Daily
Bicheno Daily
Awesome photo but yes, very scary looking clouds indeed.
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