This looks like a little country road in the middle of nowhere, doesn't it? But don't be fooled by appearances - it's part of the City of Knoxville. What I find interesting about Knoxville is this mix of built environments like downtown, and rural environments like this Northwest neighborhood on Pleasant Ridge Road. When I look at this scene, I also know it's the beginning of the summer season. How? By the line of construction barrels, the unofficial state flower of the State of Tennessee, signaling the summer road construction season. How's road construction progressing (or not) in your area?
LOL, the unofficial Tn flower, that's funny! Road construction seems to be everywhere here too, ugh!
Road construction seems to be never ending. Love the state flower comment. Too funny but true. MB
We are going a quite extensive road and infrastructure rennovation and explansion around here. I have an occasional series on my blog about local growth.
Love the B&W photo. I find well done B&W pics shomehow more expressive than a color pic.
Yup, we have the day-glo orange coneflower blooming here as well. 8^)
the road to nowhere has an end;)
fine shot of a lonely road, but normally its not? or?
I like your state flower. We have a major construction project on our way to work. Its going to be two more years before its finished. UGH.
It's better than the state bird of Minnesota, the mosquito; and
The road don't look so open. I won't begin whining about the enormous road construction screw-ups here (except I just did). It's just too depressing.
This is a nice open road shot - despite the barrels. It's got that "going somewhere" feeling about it. And summer here is also the time when the gov does all its road work.
I can see now that every part of country have some kind of construction on their roads or interstates when cold weather gone. Here in buckeye state, summer is like a season for construction.
Road costruction always finishes here just before the Motorbikes come over. We have triangular cones,not circular. Good choice the B&W. Love the wasy it leads you into the curve in the distance. Ilke the idea of State flowers, we don't have them in the UK.
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