Every weekday at noon, local radio station WDVX hosts a free hour of music called the Blue Plate Special. Country, bluegrass, roots, gospel, or blues are what you'll hear, broadcast live on the air at the performance stage of the DVX downtown studio. Sometimes musicians show up unannounced to play - often in town to play a paid concert later that evening. Yesterday the Cruz Contreras Band brought their spirited country sounds to a standing room only audience (Cruz is behind the microphone). WDVX is a listener supported non-profit station whose mission is to spotlight the musical heritage of the Southern Appalachian region of the U.S. As they say : "no government funds, no ads, not NPR."
They stream live on the web, so go on, treat yourself to some great regional southern music.
Thanks for the link. I'm listening right now, pretty sure it's Buck Owens - oops, no it's a cover of his old Tiger by the Tail. Pretty good, though!
Don't know this band but I do know one of the DJs on WDVX - great station!
I always enjoy acoustic southern music, and I am going to listen their stream live. Thanks
Very neat, I would have expected with this type of music they would be older. See how bad I am.
How neat is that! I would had enjoyed the show.
A it's persisiting down here, I'm stuck in the house with no live music on anywhere, so 'll hop over and have a listen. iu can't leep good music down.Love the image.
Today, Chris at Nashville DP has a picture of a band playing at an event they went to yesterday. I was looking through the bands website and there ya go, pictures with the blue plates behind them. Neat that you showed us that place Saturday. I knew it when I saw it today.
This is so funny. . .I have a photo of a bluegrass band on my site today, too. I see Jim mentioned it.
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