I had planned to post these photos of one of the historical markers along Volunteer Landing at the waterfront, and decided to keep to the plan. These large marble rocks have historical quotes carved onto them that give you a sense of Knoxville's frontier history. Below is the quote I chose for today, which is now a double-edged sword. The devil may well reside in Knoxville, but the people here are resilient in times of crisis and can handle the old coot.
" In the infant town of Knox the houses are irregular and interspersed. It was county court day when I came. I saw jesting, singing, swearing, women yelling from doorways ... whiskey and peach brandy were cheap. The town was confused with a promiscuous throng of every denomination -- blanket-clad Indians, leather-shirted woodsmen, gamblers, hard-eyed and vigilant. I stood aghast. My soul shrank back to hear the horrid oaths and dreadful indignities offered to the supreme governor of the universe. There was what I never did see before on Sunday, dancing, singing, and playing of cards.
It was said by a gentleman of the neighborhood that the devil is grown so old that it renders him incapable of traveling and that he has taken up in Knoxville and there hopes to spend the remaining part of his days ... as he believes he is among friends."
-- traveller James Weir, 1798
That is quite an outpouring for Knox. I wonder if it has as much weight these days as it must have had in those days?
Nice post.
Another senseless tragedy that affects everyone in your city in one way or another. So sad.
Sorry to hear about this tragic event. The world is filled with bad people, but luckily it is filled with even more good people.
Read about that tragedy yesterday - so sorry for all the families involved. :(
Such a sad , sad happening...my thoughts are with the families of those dead and injured.
Marley's right, there are more good than bad people in the world. I imagine it doesn't feel that way to the loved ones of those lost yesterday in Knoxville. Our hearts go out to them. Thank you for your perfect post.
Just found out that the shooting affected a family very close to my heart. Email me.
It is filled woth bad people and er, even badder people. Tragic, but a great read.
Knoxville, you're in our thoughts today.
So sorry to hear of this terrible news.
Very nice post and photos. So sorry for Knoxville.
nice post, indeed... thoughts and well wishes coming your way!
James Wier seems like a cranky sort anyway. 1790 many moons ago.
And then tragedy strikes even when we think we are ok. MB
I have been looking for this since the first time I saw it. I have had a friend of mine in 2009 murdered in knoxville over 300 dollars! They found her body Volunteer Landing. For some reason I started hanging out at the landing after work and on Saturdays.I stumbled on this and it blew my mind😨 It was like it was ment for me to see it. And I agree that we are strong enough to beat him at his own game...but for me I'm tired of playing!! IJS
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