Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Bard Returns

I've always thought that Shakespeare is a wonderful thing. "What a piece of work is man, how noble in reason." Hundreds of years after this was written, and the very first actor playing Hamlet recited it on stage, it still makes modern audiences think. And Shakespeare is versatile - you don't have to be the Royal Shakespeare Company at Stratford-Upon-Avon to stage one of his plays, say, for example, Love's Labours Lost, which the RSC is performing this summer. In fact, you could very possibly be the Tennessee Stage Company of Knoxville, Tennessee performing this same play on the stage at Market Square this summer in front of a plywood Globe Theater. A high hope for a low heaven, as they say in the play.
The Shakespeare on the Square festival takes place over the next few weekends, alternating Love's Labours Lost and The Merchant of Venice. I'll probably be posting a few more shots of our intrepid thespians during the festival. So pack a picnic, pull up a lawn chair, and enjoy.


Virginia said...

What a great idea, spreading all that culture to the masses. I think if more people heard it they would really like it. What a great thing for your community.

angela said...

Shakespeare's amazing to watch. I envy you your chance to see 3 plays this summer. I'll bring my picnic and join you for the Merchant of Venice..

marley said...

How cool. We have quite a few oprn air productions on around here at the momemnt, including Shakespeare. My favourite Shakespeare play is the Tempest. I was so entertained when I saw it.

USelaine said...

I'm thinking of you and Knoxville tonight, KG. Bless.

Petrea Burchard said...

This is one for my heart. I wish I could be there to see it. I hope the show goes on, despite Knoxville's mourning. Folks need a diversion, and Shakespeare's a great healer.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Ooh I'd have to got with Macbeth, well something nice and blood thirsty anyway. I just thought as Perea is above should I be calling the Scottish play as not be bring bad luck.