Seriously, I never quite know what I'm going to see on Market Square on any given evening. It might be nothing, or it might be jugglers. Those pins look like they should be shooting lasers from their ends, or something equally dramatic. But alas, they were just ordinary pins.
Nice picture. The guy on the left looks like its such a chore and the guy on the right looks like ho hum, no big deal. But I do see one about to hit the ground on the right.
You have to have better coordination than I do to be able to do this. I have tried to keep two balls up in the air and catch them and back up and some jugglers can do a dozen.
It's great to have a place to visit that holds surprises. Good action shot.
je suis toujours rêveur devant les acrobates et les jongleurs. J'ai essayé plusieurs fois, mais je n'y arrive pas, je fais toujours tout tomber. belle photo en mouvement.
Tu as raison "Minor Swing" est une superbe musique, mais ils ne l'ont pas joués pendant cette soirée. Je mettrais le morceau en écoute demain sur mon post pour toi (une version avec Didier Lockwood).
I am still a dreamer before the acrobats and jugglers. I tried several times, but I can not, I always fall. beautiful picture in motion.
You're right "Minor Swing" is a superb music, but they have not played during this evening. I put the track tomorrow on my listening post for you (a version with Didier Lockwood).
Nice action shot. I've tried, and failed, juggling many times. I'm not co-ordinated enough!
I love following Olivers's comments, the transalation can be a scream. Never juggled but strangely my mother can, usually with fruit. reat hpw many you've caught in the air in one shot.
The only street performance we seem to get is on Farmer's Market day in the park. Along with the music there was a hulahoop dancer.
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