Saturday, November 15, 2008

I Saw the Light

Yes I did see the light: the reflection of the sun on the windows of the John H. Daniel Co. clothing manufacturing factory and warehouse. This is one of the few working warehouses left in the Old City. Most of the other buildings have been rehabbed into condos or turned into shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues. And that's OK by me, because I've lived here long enough to remember when it was a pretty desolate and kind of dangerous place. Historically, the Old City was yet another area full of saloons and brothels and used to be known as the Bowery. Tomorrow I'll post a survivor from that era.
Oh, and the moon is just a little lagniappe for y'all.


Hilda said...

Both the sun and the moon — fantastic capture! And your sky is so wonderfully blue!

Laurie Allee said...

Lagniappe -=one of my favorite words!

I love these old brick buildings with paned windows. Look at all that texture! Gorgeous shot today, my dear Ms. Knox!

USelaine said...

Every city neighborhood has its life cycle, they say. So much of our garments are made overseas, it's nice to know that maybe a few are still made here.

Virginia said...

I just stopped by to say au revoir. See you when I return. Keep up the fab photos. I will catch up at some point.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Of course I had to look up lagniappe.
It is good to see something local still made. That light hitting that corner of the mirror spot on.

Tash said...

Definitely seeing-worthy light. The photo just draws you in to keep looking & looking.

Tash said...

PS - discovered the moon 1st & then learned a cool new word!