Friday, November 28, 2008

Ice Cube Clouds

I love reflections. This one really made me smile, first, because it looks like clouds are frozen in a tower of ice cubes, and second, because the sky around the building looks cloudless - but wait, how did those clouds appear in the reflection? No, they were not photoshopped. It's all au naturel. Happy Sky Watch Friday!


Jim Klenke said...

Ice cubes? I didnt think of that, but your are right! Someone needs to just crack the tray.

Virginia said...

Great one Knox. How did you do that!HA Ice cubes...clever comparison!

Jane Hards Photography said...

That's class. To say it again. It ain't the camera, it tissn't the sofware, it's the photographer that makes the photo. Extremely creative.

Tanya Breese said...

Very creative Knoxville, I love it! Happy skywatch :)

Hope said...

I love the ice cube visual! Excellent photo!

Leedra said...

That is great, since it is Friday you should have linked to skywatch Friday. Still can.

marley said...

Very cool!

Knoxville Girl said...

Hi I'm back, thanks for the comments - this was a scheduled post, knowing that I wouldn't have Internet access til Monday.