Friday, November 14, 2008

Lower the Curtain

Here's a recent archive shot of the clouds moving in over the city for Sky Watch. You might recognize the Sunsphere, the pedestrian bridge, and the shiny red bricks of the UT Convention Center from some recent entries this week. I took this while waiting for the elevator in the Locust Street parking garage. I especially like the faint reflection of the overhead light in the window - a stealth flourescent spaceship hovering over the Sunsphere.


Jane Hards Photography said...

That reflection is quite eerie. It's really a passing spaceship who's cloaking devise isn't quite working. Marvellous overview , puts all your earlier close ups into perspective and no traffic is always spooky. Chin up me duck!

Jim Klenke said...

Did this bring any rain with it? I like to watch the fronts move in, but then usually dont like what they bring, rain and cold.

That reflection is cool, in just the right spot. said...

I liked enlarging this photo I see the spaceship!

Hilda said...

LOL at your interpretation of the overhead light!

I'm glad to see this more panoramic shot — helps me make more sense of the other photos you've posted :)

Happy Skywatching!

Small City Scenes said...

Exactly!! Who is hovering? MB

Hope said...

An excellent photo of our Sunsphere! Love the spaceship!

Grammy said...

Your photo is wonderful!
Have a wonderful weekend!.

Stefan Jansson said...

Can't say I recognise it but it looks interesting.

Bramblemoon Farm said...

What a beautiful, and eerie photo! Happy SkyWatch:)