Thursday, January 15, 2009

Forest On the Trees

With some major inspiration from lichen and moss lovers Benjamin at Victoria Daily Photo and USElaine at Willits Daily Photo, I went looking for the forest on the trees at Ijams Nature Center. My macro doesn't compare to some of their wonderful photos, but still. I wanted to convey the feeling of a forest-within-a-forest. These little fronds were actually swaying in the winter breeze.


Tanya Breese said...

Incredible...a forest within a forest. A whole 'nother world in there. Kind of like Horton Hears a Who! Great job! I think your photo stands up to anyones!

marley said...

That is very cool. I'll have to find some and get my macro going. Nice job :)

USelaine said...

I love it! This has so much texture, and the water-catching structure is definitely like a forest. Thanks for the nod, KG!

Benjamin Madison said...

Yep, definitely moss. Thanks for the mention and for the laugh out loud pun. I liched it too much.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Not even a frosty here, just frosty people. Cool as a Marley would say,