Tuesday, March 10, 2009

River Flow

A warm, sunny afternoon is perfect for sitting, swinging, and watching the river flow. This is at Volunteer Landing under the Gay Street Bridge.


Hilda said...

Perfect! And what a lovely, scenic spot!

Does this mean your winter's over?

Jim Klenke said...

That does look like a great place to have a snack and watch the river.

Virginia said...

Beautiful setting. Those t rees will be popping out soon , right? The pear trees are blooming here. Things are cranking up!

marley said...

Nice seats, better than the usual benches.

Lowell said...

I'll bet this is one of your favorite places...

Knoxville Girl said...

Y'all, I'm afraid we're in for more winter - temps are going down today.
And yes, this is one of my favorite places - also, it's downwind of Calhoun's Barbecue, so it smells good too!