Saturday, November 8, 2008


It's red. It's shiny. It's kind of like modern art. It's the UT Convention Center on Henley Street.


Hope said...

I remember when this building contained the Miller's Department Store...before the days of malls and shopping centers. We used to love to shop at Miller's! This store was a very classy ...the perfect example of what a store would be like from the 50's and 60's. It was always a special treat to drive to downtown Knoxville to Miller's.

Tanya Breese said...

I love the way you photographed this! Shiny and cool lookin! Have a great weekend :)

Virginia said...

Bravo for the composition in this photo today Knox! Why don't I ever think of these things?

Jane Hards Photography said...

Shiny Happy people. This is superb. Looks like patent red leather shoes. Me like!

Leedra said...

I have always wondered about RED. They do everything in ORANGE around UT. The red has always looked wrong. Yes, bricks do come in other colors than just red.

marley said...

I like the angle of the shot, it does look like modern art!

USelaine said...

Great framing and concept, KG. 8^)