Monday, February 2, 2009


This mockingbird perched by the railroad tracks at Worlds Fair Park looks like a young'un. And none to amused to see me either.


Jane Hards Photography said...

Outstanding catch. So glad you went with this one in monochrome to do it it complete justice. Scout would approve.He really has got his eye on you. A bird I have never see in the flesh, sadly.

marley said...

I don't think I have ever seen a mocking bird - until today! That is a great photo. As B says, perfect in monochrome.

Saretta said...

Excellent mood!

Hope said...

You have captured the beauty of our State Bird perfectly!

Pat said...

So that's what they look like in the flesh, or rather 'feather.' I like the angle/composition here.

Layrayski said...

Very nice.