Saturday, June 14, 2008

I Love My Dog

The Humane Society of the Tennessee Valley's annual fundraiser, Bark in the Park, was held tonight on Market Square. There was live music, and games for dogs and their owners. The restaurant patios were filled with people and their canine companions, and everyone was having a great time. What I really loved watching was the bond between dogs and owners, and dogs creating bonds between strangers. I met so many wonderful and interesting people and their pets tonight, and shot a lot of photos. This is one of my favorite portraits. I met Isabella, the sweetest pit bull puppy, and her owner, who was training her to sit. I see so much joy in this picture; pets can often bring out the very best in people.
Do you have a favorite pet that brings joy into your life?


Jim Klenke said...

I have way to many pets. They all are my favorites. This guy and his dog looks great, big old bear of a guy having fun with his dog.

USelaine said...

I don't have pets right now - I can't stand to think of them alone all day while I'm at work. Plus, cats aren't allowed by my landlord. Plus, I'm flanked by neighbors with beagles. So, I'm good with that.

Hilda said...

Sweet! And I love that bluebird tattooed on his neck. He seems like a big ol' teddy bear.

We have a 14-year old dog—definitely a senior citizen. We love him!

Diederick Wijmans said...

What a nice photo. It looks as if this pit bull will grow up well!

Anonymous said...

I love this photograph. It brings out the best in people. And people in tattoos. Ouch. That hurt when I got mine in 1955 in Oakland, CAlifornia. Red, roses, green leaves. All a black blob. This guy, one day will have a black blob on the back of his neck.

But this is about photography and the relationship between animals and their owners. I think you captured the best of the lot with this picture. I wish I could hug that dog.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I love this. It is just the sweetest portrait.

Bianca the Baker said...

I love seeing how animals strengthen connections between people.