Showing you the daily view from Knoxville, Tennessee since April 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Moonlight & Architecture
The phase of the moon is "waxing gibbous" - not quite full. The architecture is a detail of the Arnstein building downtown. I was out for a walk last night and just liked the contrasting colors.
That's a very appealing combo. It seems that several bloggers have caught the moon recently as well. I like the instant sense of perspective it gives our little lives.
Buliding and moon balanced so well. People often neglect photographing the moon than the sun. Much harder shot to bring to life. Honestly anyone can phofotgraph a half decent sunset. Moons as you show, can be a damn sight more ethereal.
That's a very appealing combo. It seems that several bloggers have caught the moon recently as well. I like the instant sense of perspective it gives our little lives.
That is a nice shot. My moons never turn out, they just show up as a glowing ball.
Isn't it great to see the moon during the early evening. I took 2 pictures yesterday too. Yours is a super pic. MB
BTW you asked how Kylee did in at the games and in that pic she got a second and overall she did ok. MB
Beautifully captured! I love the architectural details on the building too.
uselaine - I highly recommend moon-gazing
jim - my late night moon pics are also glowing balls; I'll post my newest glowing ball photo- I have better results in early evening
MB - thanks. sounds like Kylee did pretty well in the games
ming - the Arnstein is one of my favorite bldgs downtown
Buliding and moon balanced so well. People often neglect photographing the moon than the sun. Much harder shot to bring to life. Honestly anyone can phofotgraph a half decent sunset. Moons as you show, can be a damn sight more ethereal.
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