Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Aroma Wheel

So, how do you like your coffee? How about Groundy? Sweaty? Do I hear any votes for Horsey? This aroma wheel in the Knoxville Visitor's Center coffee shop gave me no end of amusement.  
The aroma wheel for wine tasting was developed by Dr. A.C. Noble to help standardize terminology.  Although I think I'd pass on a wine that tasted like "wet dog." I first encountered the aroma wheel in a basic wine tasting class I took a few years ago. The aroma wheel in the coffee shop was not exactly the same as the wine tasting wheel, but it sure was fun to peruse. 
So, for all the coffee drinkers out there, how DO you like your coffee?


Jim Klenke said...

I think I know why I dont like coffee now.

Virginia said...

One sweetner and some cream. The first day in Paris my last trip they brought me a small coffe pot and another of cream. I made my coffe the way I usually do and told my daughter it almost knocked my socks off! She informed her dimwitted mother that it was cafe au lait and should be about 1/2 cream! I had the jitters all day-ha

Jane Hards Photography said...

Strong, black, ground, fresh. Failing that damed fine twin peaks intsant will suffice. I not into messing with my beaverages. I hate tea. The british disease to me. Flavoured piss water. No damned fine coffee, and a slice of cherry pie, with the log lady and silent swish curtains.

Hope said...

Babooshka...Twin Peaks and the Log Lady...Wow! Now that brings back one of my favorite shows from the past. Love it!

But, sigh, I don't love coffee. Can't stand it. But do love the aroma in coffee shops, bookstores with cafes, and the grocery aisle.

marley said...

I don't drink coffee and aromas like Horsey, Sweaty and Dirty aren't likely to get me reaching for a cup anytime soon!

Saretta said...

Real Italian cappucino for me, please! None of this "latte" or "frappucino" nonsense!